Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Get Out the Vote!

My wife and I did early voting last week, and more than one person mentioned how great it was that we were already teaching our kids about fulfilling our civic duty at such a young age. Truth be told, we both wanted to vote, and bringing them along was preferable to getting carted off by Child Protective Services for leaving them home alone. But, of course, I smiled politely and received the compliment, as if we totally deserved the praise.
Caylah couldn't get enough stickers!

On this critical Election Day, I hope you get out and cast your ballot for your chosen candidate(s). Here at D2BD, we don't play politics, other than to encourage to be a part of them. And be sure to tell your kids what you're doing, and why you're doing it. You don't have to go over the articles in the latest issue of Time, complete with highlighted passages of the foreign policy stance you most agree with, but I do want Caylah to know what voting is, and why it's a good thing.

Rarely do I get the opportunity to point out to my kids such an obvious example of being a part of something bigger than ourselves, so I don't want to pass this up. I'd love to hear, though, how you've explained and talked to your kids about voting and why it's important.  

What have you found to be helpful as they learn from you why taking part in Election Day is a big deal?

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